Discover Cádiz and Tarifa with South Hostel

At South Hostel we will help you to create an experience the way you planned it. We are open 24 hours and we have concierge service and tourist information thus you can design your trip step by step from our centers in Cádiz and Tarifa.

If you want to enjoy a complete experience in both cities you can count on the South Hostel team in Cádiz as well as in Tarifa. Whether you come alone, in a couple or in a group you will be able to create your trip according to your needs and possibilities. Our team speaks Spanish and English so be sure you will always have personalized attention during your whole visit.

And remember: South Hostel is an enjoyable place to rest with common areas to eat, to watch TV etc… Plus we offer additional services that will let you have all the facilities at your disposal.

Get to know all South Hostel services

Learn everything that we can do for you. With South Hostel you have at your disposal not only a place to rest. Our team has thought about all your needs and about everything that you were looking for: an alternative, different experience for your perfect escape that you deserve is waiting for you. For that reason, we have designed a whole set of additional services so you can relax and just enjoy the experience.

Thus you have available a coffee bar, a kitchen – dining room, a surf and kite surf school, a clothing store, an outdoor terrace ideal for barbecues and concerts… You also have a bike rental service to ride everywhere you want or you can also join some of the organized activities that we run. Among them are sightseeing tours, horseback riding, whale watch in the strait of Gibraltar, trips to Morocco, mountain bike routes in groups and many others…

Get free information. In case you have any doubt do not hesitate to contact our team. We will help you to organize an unforgettable experience!

How can we help you?


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